Solid State

On-Demand SSD Storage provides the absolute platinum-standard of lightning fast storage to support high IOPS, high-throughout workloads. If your application requirements call for highly responsive, low latency storage to support databases, transactional applications or similar, On-Demand SSD will meet your needs. Best of all, you can combine SSD with our SAN or Archive storage to ensure you are only paying for the storage levels and amounts you require.


Priced to suit need – scalable month to month

SSD Storage is priced up per block and per month, just like our regular storage products. This keeps it as cost effective and flexible as possible for our customers.


Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity planning is one of the biggest single concerns to any data-dependant company today. more >

Read on to see how proven processes can get you migrated and working in a cloud environment quickly and cost effectively. more >

See why the Hybrid Cloud can offer stratospheric benefits in user experience, disaster recovery and management overhead reduction. more >